The Air Scrubber by ActivePure protects your indoor air and surfaces 24/7/365
What we do
We are a manufacturer of a complete line of air purification products and systems to provide customizable solutions for any residential, commercial, government, institutional, or educational facility.
ActivePure Technology proactively works to clean indoor air by:
Millions of homes around the country suffer from poor indoor air quality and the health and wellness challenges that can bring. For decades, homeowners have had to rely on ineffective passive solutions like furnace filters, or portable HEPA or carbon filters.
That’s why we invented the Air Scrubber by ActivePure. Installed into the ductwork of your home’s HVAC system, the Air Scrubber proactively protects your home with the power of ActivePure Technology. ActivePure Technology has been proven against dozens of contaminants in hundreds of lab and real-world studies.1

ActivePure Technology: Advanced Photohydrolysis
ActivePure Technology can trace its origins back to the 1990s in a research partnership between NASA and the University of Wisconsin. Since then, we have spent tens of millions of dollars in research, development, and testing validation as we evolved the technology into its current iteration. These changes have enhanced the proactive nature of the technology, as well as improved its performance in neutralizing pathogens, to such an extent that we had to coin a new term to describe it: Advanced Photohydrolysis. This latest version is now available in all products sold by Air Scrubber dealers around the U.S. Learn more about our in-duct, portable, and laundry products.